Full-Arch Implant Rehabilitation in Foothill Ranch

What are my options for replacing all or most of my teeth?

Full-arch dental implant rehabilitation can effectively replace a full set of missing teeth to help patients regain the look, feel, and function of their smiles. By using multiple implants as anchors for a single prosthetic, the entire upper or lower set of teeth can be restored in a single appointment. Not only is this convenient, but also results in faster healing times and more cost-effective treatment for Foothill Ranch patients. Unlike dentures, full-arch implant rehabilitation can provide you with a smile that won’t shift or move around in your mouth and will stand the test of time.

Foothill Ranch full-arch implant rehabilitation

Did you know…

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Full-arch implant rehabilitation is often less expensive than a series of individual implants or traditional dentures.

Ready to see if dental implants are right for you?

(949) 830-3511

How it works: The Full Arch Implant Rehabilitation process

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The Initial Consultation

Before we begin placing implants, you and your dentist will discuss your oral health needs and goals to decide if a full-arch implant rehabilitation is right for you.

During this initial consultation, your Foothill Ranch dentist will perform a comprehensive exam of your mouth to find out if you have enough healthy jaw bone to support the placement of multiple implants. Together, you’ll decide if full-arch implant rehabilitation is right for you.

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Preparatory Surgeries

If your dentist finds that your jaw is strong enough for dental implants, we will begin preparing your mouth for implant placement.

Before they can be placed, there are several kinds of initial surgeries that may need to take place. If you still have some of your natural teeth, for example, they will require extraction. Whatever your unique needs are, your dentist will outline a treatment plan and keep you informed about all of the necessary and appropriate procedures they will carry out to prepare your mouth for full-arch implant rehabilitation.

Dental Implant Surgery

Once your mouth has been adequately prepared, Dr. Selina Sarno will start the surgical process of placing the dental implants. They will begin by creating openings in your gum tissue and jaw bone, and place 4-6 implants in the openings. The number of implants can vary based on your unique needs, but they are generally placed at an angle to maximize their strength while minimizing the pressure they put on your jaw.

Placing the Prosthetic

Now that your implants have been securely placed in your jaw, your full arch restoration can be placed and secured to your implants. If your restoration is fixed, it will be permanently attached to the implants. If it is removable, it will be snapped into place and fitted, and you will be shown how to take it out at home.

Maintenance & Aftercare

The implants will begin to integrate into the jaw bone and heal as soon as they are placed, but will take between 3-6 months to completely bond with your natural tissue. Your dentist may recommend that you adhere to a soft-food diet for around 8 weeks after the procedure, after which you can begin introducing heartier meals. Once the healing process has finished, you can simply practice good oral hygiene habits like brushing and flossing to keep your new smile in great shape.

Types of Full-Arch Implant Rehabilitations

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all-on-4/Fixed Implant Rehabilitation

Fixed Implant Rehabilitation, sometimes referred to as All-on-4 or All-on-X implants, utilizes a series of dental implants to secure a fixed bridge. Depending on your bone density, Dr. Selina Sarno will place 4-6 implants in your mouth that will anchor a permanent prosthetic that cannot be removed. 

The prosthetic will not cover your upper palette, so you’ll be able to speak naturally, laugh out loud, and eat whatever you’d like without any discomfort or worrying about your smile shifting or falling out. 

Your new smile will be made of durable materials that are designed to stand the test of time. Although you won’t have to remove your teeth every night before bed, it is essential that you follow good oral hygiene practices on a daily basis. In addition to brushing, we recommend using a water flosser to ensure that no food particles work their way between the prosthetic and your gums, so you can minimize the risk of gum disease.

Implant-Retained Dentures/Overdentures

Even the best-fitting dentures tend to slip and slide around your mouth, especially in the lower arch. Fortunately, there is a way to keep this from happening, so you can smile with confidence. 

Implant-retained dentures, sometimes referred to as overdentures or snap-on dentures, are just like traditional dentures, but they are secured in place with 2-4 dental implants. These dentures are made from a combination of acrylic and metal materials for added support and durability. The upper arch will ideally be supported by 4 implants, however in some cases, 2 implants may be enough. 

For patients without sufficient bone density, mini-implants can also be used in the same way to help keep their dentures in place. Mini-implants can also be used to keep your denture secure during the traditional implant healing process. 

Even though your denture will be fastened in place during the day, it’s still important to remove them before bed so you can keep your gums, implants, and denture clean.

Removable Full-Arch Dentures

When most people think of full-arch rehabilitations, they likely picture traditional dentures. These are removable, acrylic dental appliances that are held in place with suction, although a dental adhesive may be used to ensure a tight fit. 

Traditional dentures are a great option for patients who don’t have the bone density to support dental implants, as well as those with limited mobility who may not be able to properly care for implant-retained options. We use only the highest-quality materials to ensure a natural look and comfortable fit.

Did you know…

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Unlike natural teeth, full-arch implants aren’t affected by tooth decay

Ready to schedule a visit?

(949) 830-3511

Have questions about full-arch implant rehabilitation? Find answers here.

Am I a good candidate for full-arch implant rehabilitation?


Full-arch implant rehabilitation can be an excellent option for patients who have lost all or most of their natural teeth due to gum disease, tooth decay, or dental trauma. However, it is important to note that your mouth and jaw must be in relatively good health, with adequate bone density for successful treatment. Get in touch with Dr. Sarno today to schedule a consultation and find out if full-arch implants are the right choice for you.

Do full-arch dental implants look and feel like natural teeth?

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Yes! Made of durable, high-quality materials, one of the biggest advantages of full-arch implant restorations is that they look and feel just like the real thing. Full-arch implant restorations allow you to speak, laugh, and smile with confidence, and enjoy all of your favorite foods without any specialized care or maintenance. By staying on top of your oral hygiene habits, you can prolong the look, feel, and function of your restoration for years to come.

How long do full-arch dental implants last?

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It is important to note that full-arch implant rehabilitation consists of the placement of two separate elements: the implants themselves and the implant-supported denture. While dental implants can last a lifetime for most patients, the denture may wear down over time due to regular forces like chewing and speaking. Most patients can expect their prosthetic to last 20 or more years before needing to be replaced.

How do I take care of my full-arch implant rehabilitation?

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Although your new smile won’t be susceptible to cavities or other forms of decay, it is still vital that you follow good oral hygiene practices to avoid developing gum disease. We recommend using a waterflosser in addition to brushing your

Can full-arch implant rehabilitations be done in one day?

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In some cases, yes. Depending on the state of your oral health, and how much preparation is required, some patients will be able to receive a brand new smile in just one visit. However, in more complex cases, additional healing time may be required in between surgeries to ensure successful treatment. 

Did you know…

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Full-arch dental implants look and feel just like natural teeth.

Ready to restore your smile?

(949) 830-3511